One More Deal

What would
one more deal per year mean to you?

Another $10,000? $50,000? More?
Wouldn’t it be great to have all the tools and guidance you need to make one more deal in the coming year? You just found them.

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Proven guidance Best practices Strategies and tactics Industry experts Ask Me Anything webinars
"I have been in the commercial real estate field for 40+ years and it kills me to see

Brokers who are not properly trained and struggling to get deals"

Blaine Strickland
Founder, One More Deal

" I’ve been in the business for three years and I am not making the money I should be making!"

Are you churning through endless cold calls, having trouble filling your pipeline? Would you like to change how you’re spending your time to make prospecting more productive?

"I know I need a better plan, but no one around me seems to have one either."

When your workday ends, are you happy with what you’ve been able to accomplish? Do you find that you work constantly because you are unsure if you are really making progress?

"I work on too many deals that don’t close – it’s extremely frustrating."

Once you make the decision to work on a deal, how confident are you that it will close? Not sure what questions to ask when you interact with prospects? How do you enhance the probability that you will get paid?

"I have many questions – but have no one to ask."

Starving for expert guidance that is available when you need it? Frustrated that you are making mistakes that you know could have been avoided?

I’m finally seeing some success, but now I have a whole new set of problems.

I need to enlarge the capacity of my team – how should I add resources to my team? How do I decide what I need, and how do I find that person?

Every great athlete benefits from coaching. So do commercial real estate professionals

“I will never NOT have a coach – because I don’t want to fall behind the other top producers.” Beau Beery, CCIM and perennial million-dollar producer.
Hi, I am Blaine Strickland

That's why I created
One More Deal

When I started my career in commercial real estate sales 40 years ago, almost all firms had professional sales managers. These mentors conducted formal training sessions, accompanied us on sales calls, helped us develop and track goals, and offered invaluable perspective on our careers. Today, there are very few sales managers in the game. Most of those that remain are player-coaches, meaning that they can only help you to the extent that their own deal making enables it. As a result, most people who have entered the CRE brokerage arena in the past 25 years have essentially had to go it on their own.

This huge vacuum in the industry caused me to write my first book, Thrive: Ten Prescriptions for Exceptional Performance for Commercial Real Estate Agents, a few years ago. Because so many agents are starving for guidance, the book quickly became a best-seller on Amazon and still sells several copies every day. The reaction to the book made it clear to me: our industry desperately needs coaching.

I created One More Deal to ensure that everyone who wants coaching can get it. By “coaching,” I mean the guidance that enables you to become more valuable to your prospects and clients – which means more deals and more commission income. The content in this library is specifically designed to be immediately applicable – you can take it into the field today. You’ll find this guidance in many forms – master class courses, interviews with superstars and clients, ask me anything webinars, templates and assessments that enable you to measure your progress.

If you’ll employ the guidance we’ve created for you, you will make more deals. You’ll enjoy more durable income, more fruitful relationships, more repeat business and the peace of mind that comes with building a successful career. Please take advantage of all the coaching that I’ve had and all of the relationships that I’ve formed over 40 years in the business by letting me be your sales manager!


Deal Makin' Heroes

These interviews with the top players in the CRE arena will be extremely valuable to you. In some cases, a superstar tells you how they do it – and how you can implement their methods in your market. In other cases, the person being interviewed has hired agents to perform – and explains what differentiates the best in the business. In every interview, we explore best practices, wins and losses, and specific strategies that have led to significant success. In many cases, the course materials include links to websites, templates and books that will be valuable to you. You’ll find that these interviews will be a constant source of guidance. You’ll want to return to this channel because we are constantly adding new Heroes who offer unmatched insight.

Meet The Deal Makin' Heroes
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Ask me Anything Webinars

We conduct and record Ask Me Anything webinars on a regular basis. They essentially create a crowdsourcing effect – you’ll benefit from the answers to questions from a wide variety of agents across the country. Each webinar has at least one nugget of wisdom that will be valuable to you.

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Each of these courses is a master class that was created just for One More Deal. Each course was built from the same foundation: how will this material cause our member to make one more deal in the upcoming year? As a result, you’ll find specific strategies and tactics to employ in your world.

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Top of Mind - Top 125

This class is the starting point for building a plan for your business. Every top producer has a focused strategy to develop business among a highly defined group of prospects. This course helps you define your own strategy and then instructs you how to build durable relationships with the most qualified prospects. Many producers who have employed this top-of-mind approach with their target group of prospects report that more than half of their annual income flows from this strategy year after year.

The Four Mistakes

Almost all top producers are involved in the sale of income producing real estate. Many producers are in the “immediate vicinity” of a probable seller but don’t recognize the opportunity or don’t know what to say. This course leads you through the mindset of the owner of an investment property and gives you a proven process to work with the owner to clarify an action plan for their property. Once you go down this path, you’ll never return – it’s too profitable once you become a trusted advisor!

Sales Skills Series

Very few CRE agents have ever been exposed to formal sales training. Some have read books about what to say or even memorized the script they heard someone else using. In this series of courses, a professional sales trainer leads you through the initial conversation with a prospect, and then teaches you how to handle objections and how to move toward closing. This is the perfect marriage: proven sales techniques demonstrated in the CRE brokerage arena.

And more....

There are many other courses in the library, including material related to causing your marketing materials to generate more traction with prospects, enlarging your team for the benefit of your clients, and winning more business by managing projects effectively for your clients. The library grows constantly, and you have an ongoing opportunity to suggest courses.


Tools & Resources

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find a template or text or a checklist to use – instantly – when you need it? No more starting from a blank sheet of paper – we’ve got powerful tools that you can adapt instantly to your business.

Discussion Boards

There are many opportunities to express feedback and questions within One More Deal. You’ll be able to gain insight from other members and our professional coaching staff.


These templates are field-tested and proven to work. They represent best practices – here’s how the winners are doing it. You’ll be able to quickly adapt them to your world.


Imagine what it would be like to have a complete kit for hiring a new team member – a sample job description, a scorecard for interviewing candidates and an onboarding schedule for the new teammate. Yep, we got that.

Meet the OMD Team

It takes a lot of creative people to make One More Deal work!

Membership Levels

Wouldn’t it be great to have all the tools and guidance you need to make one more deal in the coming year?



The mastermind groups will be “hand-crafted” – each one will be assembled by Blaine based on the needs of the group. For example, we may have ten agents that only focus on shopping centers in different markets across the country. They may want to be in a group by themselves because their interests are not only on best practices and achieving more success but also on the specific type of CRE they pursue.


Do the Math
How much is One More Deal worth to you?

Get all the support, tools, resources, training and coaching you need to crush the commercial real estate market

Charged Monthly
Self-assessment / journey guide
Opportunity to suggest material
Courses (Basic level)
Courses (Advanced level)
Webinars (archive)
Webinars (live)
Discussion boards (monitored)
Discussion boards (post)
Monthly mastermind calls
Invitation to live events
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Charged Monthly
Self-assessment / journey guide
Opportunity to suggest material
Courses (Basic level)
Courses (Advanced level)
Webinars (archive)
Webinars (live)
Discussion boards (monitored)
Discussion boards (post)
Monthly mastermind calls
Invitation to live events
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Charged Monthly
Self-assessment / journey guide
Opportunity to suggest material
Courses (Basic level)
Courses (Advanced level)
Webinars (archive)
Webinars (live)
Discussion boards (monitored)
Discussion boards (post)
Monthly mastermind calls
Invitation to live events
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Plan One
$290 / Month
Charged Monthly
Includes something
And Something else
And something else
Something it does not include
Something else you want
And something more
Become A member
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Plan One
$390 / Month
Charged Monthly
Includes something
And Something else
And something else
Something it does not include
Something else you want
And something more
Become A member
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Plan One
$490 / Month
Charged Monthly
Includes something
And Something else
And something else
Something it does not include
Something else you want
And something more
Become A member
No contract. Cancel anytime.
Plan One
$590 / Month
Charged Monthly
Includes something
And Something else
And something else
Something it does not include
Something else you want
And something more
Become A member
No contract. Cancel anytime.


Which tier is best for me?
If you are just starting your career or have a limited budget – we recommend selecting the Bronze membership. You’ll get valuable material that is designed for agents that are new to the business. If you are already producing consistent commission income, we recommend the Silver membership. This level offers all the content in the Bronze level but adds in highly specialized courses and material that is designed to help you accelerate your business. You benefit from courses that cause you to get better results from the activities that you already undertake and expand the types of opportunities that are most profitable to you. The Gold membership includes all the content in the Silver membership but adds in a monthly mastermind session. You’ll be part of a hand-selected group of less than a dozen peers that convenes once per month on a group conference call facilitated by a professional coach. You’ll gain insight and perspective from the give-and-take of your fellow Gold members that isn’t available anywhere else.
What if I want to cancel my membership?
You subscribe to One More Deal on a monthly basis and can cancel your membership at the end of any month for which you have already paid. There is no long-term obligation.
How often is new content added?
New content will be added at least once per month. We develop new content every day and we’ll let you know what is coming soon. We also have many ways for you to share your suggestions for new materials, and we sift those ideas constantly.
Can I change tiers after I join?
Yes. It’s easy to change your membership level in your member profile portal. We have help available to you with any changes that you want to make to your membership.
Do I have to work through the material on a particular schedule?
No. Once you choose your tier, we recommend that you undertake the assessment we’ll offer you so you can create a personalized curriculum to match your needs. The assessment will suggest the best place to start, but you are free to choose the content that addresses your needs.
How do I take the courses?
All the content is available on-demand. You can watch at any time that is convenient for you. Once you log in, you can choose any course you want. Your learning journey will also be available to you so you can pick up where you left off and see what you have already completed. Although most courses last about an hour, each course is broken down into bite-size lessons so that you can absorb a small piece at a time if that works best for you.

Not sure you are ready?

We can email you about upcoming content releases

What does One More Deal
Mean To You?

This is 40 years of experience, distilled into the best stuff, professional relationships developed, hard lessons from mistakes made
It's time to invest in yourself
Blaine Strickland
Founder, One More Deal

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